Another goodbye...

Carolin also went away this Sunday...
Big and drunk party in Duende and then Lucerna...
I really like this kid (she is 20!) and I will miss her a LOT! Loved every hot chocolate in louvre café, every time we went in the beer garden, every time we danced in lucerna... I could keep on but you got the big picture right?
Later she would confess me that in the beginig she was afraid of me! (go figure...) But at the end we loved each other!
I'll miss you a lot and I hope to see you as soon as possible =) Going my way this summer?! Heheheheh!
After months trying finally I got one picture of her that I like.
It's a sad looking picture but we know all the fun&smiles we had in the gardin that afternoon.
My dear little xkilo...if there is someone able to understand I am!I miss her a lot too, and even if i dind't come with you many times, and I didn't have many memories with her in whatever place or garden (and it was REALLY a pity), I've sheared with her few but really INTENSE moments, since the beginnig.She's great,and I'm really happy 4 the time we had together...A big kiss to Caroline!!!!!!
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