26 on the 24th
Yesterday I went to a nice Rock concert and bought the t-shirt 'cause: a) It's really cool and b) it was my present!
Today, when I woke up, I had my head the size and weight of Jupiter. Turn arround with a huge grin on my face and started watching Monty Python's Flying Circus with low volume because of the state of my head...
Now, you may think, why drink that much?!?!?!
Because: a) since midnight it was by Birthday and b) I'm 26 now...
I think there's a time when you start feeling the age and things that you used to do will become impossible! SO maybe yestarday and today can become one of the last B-days that I can get as drunk-happy as I want, because a)I hope to be working next year, b)I don't know where I'll be (Lisbon, Lagos, Europe, this World) and c) (maybe the most importante) I don't know if I can be with my friends to celebrate...
I just wanna party as much as I can because, eventually, it will be, kidda over one day.
People settle down (or so they say! Heheheheheheheh)
Since it's my mother celebration too, this is one of her favorite pictures.
Taken by Valerio or Pepe in Prague.
Today, when I woke up, I had my head the size and weight of Jupiter. Turn arround with a huge grin on my face and started watching Monty Python's Flying Circus with low volume because of the state of my head...
Now, you may think, why drink that much?!?!?!
Because: a) since midnight it was by Birthday and b) I'm 26 now...
I think there's a time when you start feeling the age and things that you used to do will become impossible! SO maybe yestarday and today can become one of the last B-days that I can get as drunk-happy as I want, because a)I hope to be working next year, b)I don't know where I'll be (Lisbon, Lagos, Europe, this World) and c) (maybe the most importante) I don't know if I can be with my friends to celebrate...
I just wanna party as much as I can because, eventually, it will be, kidda over one day.
People settle down (or so they say! Heheheheheheheh)

Taken by Valerio or Pepe in Prague.
Ohhhh.. Nao sabia q tambem es Peixinhos!!!! Somos os melhores, nao somos!?!? =)
PARABENS!!! Atrasados.. Eu sei!! Mas o q conta eh a intencao, neh?!?!? loool...
Pois! Tb sou peixinhos! Por isso é que fiquei curioso em saber se tb eras =P Por acaso os peixinhos são mta boas pessoas =)
Então e a minha prenda Milenes? =P
Ainda não recebeste nada por esses lados? Heheheheheh!
Eu ainda nao recebi nada... Era suposto?!!? =D
E a tua prenda... pois... hummm... eh assim... hummmm... tb ta a caminho, claro!!! mesmo sem saber a morada!!! :p
Parabéns Jããããããoooo!!! Atrasados, para dar um certo estilo, mas lembrei-me do aniversário da Milene...2 em 3 dias já era mto :p
Espero q essa bezana tenha sido curtida ;) Mas tás a ficar cota...q é q se há-de fazer?!?
Beijinhos :)
Muitos parabéns caro colega!
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