Saturday, February 24, 2007

26 on the 24th

Yesterday I went to a nice Rock concert and bought the t-shirt 'cause: a) It's really cool and b) it was my present!

Today, when I woke up, I had my head the size and weight of Jupiter. Turn arround with a huge grin on my face and started watching Monty Python's Flying Circus with low volume because of the state of my head...

Now, you may think, why drink that much?!?!?!
Because: a) since midnight it was by Birthday and b) I'm 26 now...
I think there's a time when you start feeling the age and things that you used to do will become impossible! SO maybe yestarday and today can become one of the last B-days that I can get as drunk-happy as I want, because a)I hope to be working next year, b)I don't know where I'll be (Lisbon, Lagos, Europe, this World) and c) (maybe the most importante) I don't know if I can be with my friends to celebrate...
I just wanna party as much as I can because, eventually, it will be, kidda over one day.
People settle down (or so they say! Heheheheheheheh)

Since it's my mother celebration too, this is one of her favorite pictures.
Taken by Valerio or Pepe in Prague.

Friday, February 23, 2007

1 year ago...

I was in Prague and, finally, had my 4+ years project done on my skin! =)
After my Bad Ass Tiger Tattoo (Hehehehehe) this was my 2nd one.

And this is how it looks today! Mind you, it was taken on the mirror so it's in reverse... (have u ever tried to take a picture of you back on the mirror?!?! It's HARD WORK!)

I'm very happy with it!
If it wasn't for my father I had it done a long time ago... Anyway! Having it done in Prague was perfect!

(Thanks to Caroline, My French Love, for the pictures she took during the tattoo process)


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Um Padre decente

Because this is more of a national matter I'll right in Portuguese.

No que diz respeito ao aborto já toda a gente calcula para que lado pende a balança no que respeita ao tema do aborto... NÃO é palavra de ordem!
Porem, qual não foi o meu espanto quando fui ao jornal publico, versão online, e vi um artigo sobre um padre que vota SIM... Quem diria que numa instituição tão retrógada existem pessoas de espirito aberto! O meu espanto ainda foi maior quando vi a idade do dito "rapaz"! Não é um padre todo moderno de 30 anos que vai pra igreja de mota... Muito plo contrario! Tem 79 anos!!!
Para alem disso não tem medo de ser excomungado. Isto porque, o rebelde em causa, não é a primeira vez que faz das suas! Já teve suspenso durante 17 anos porque escreveu um livro sobre o selibato, defendendo que os padres se deviam casar (o doido devia andar com ela fisgada! ;). Se fosse nos dias que correm não tinha nenhum problema mas ele escreveu o livro na década de 70!!!!

Assim tiro o chapeu ao Sr Manuel Costa Pinto, padre de Viseu!

(artigo completo )

Monday, February 05, 2007


A friend sent me this picture!
I like the crazyness of the dog face

Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Women Of My Life

And today, 1st of February, it's her Day! Her Birthday! 46 years old with the mental age of a 6 year old, at least when I'm around!

And I know that, even now that I'm in selfdestruction mode and probably ruinig my near future, she will suport me!
Even when everything and everybody fails she's there for me!
You're the BEST! Love'ya!